It has been 6 weeks since I lost my babies and I was still bleeding. Concerned, I went in to see my OB. An ultrasound revealed I had 'retained products of conception.' I opted to do a Karman Biopsy to try to get the pieces out. The same procedure I vowed last April never to do again. It wasn't as painful as last time. I guess my body has become numb to pain. My doctor pulled out a mass larger than a golf ball and sent it down to the lab. She thinks she got all of it out. I have to go back in next week for a follow up ultrasound to make sure nothing was left behind. If stuff is still left, I will need to do a D&C. She prescribed a drug to help my uterus clamp down and stop the bleeding.
I picked up the drug from the pharmacy and took it when I got home. Soon thereafter, I started feeling very dizzy and short of breath. I started hearing ringing in my ear. Then I started feeling chest pain. We raced to the ER thinking I was going to have a heart attack. The doctors in the ER examined me and concluded it was due to the drug. It was a vasoconstrictor and people who take it have a slight risk of heart attack. They told me I react severely to this drug and never to take it again.
Seriously... How much worse can my life get???
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