Friday, August 30, 2013

August 30, 2013

Two words: Bacterial Vaginosis. No joke. Three days ago I woke up feeling something not quite right down there. It felt like a mild burning discomfort, some itching, some creamy discharge. Gross. I know. It didn't bother me much, however, and I hoped whatever it was would clear up on its own. But a day passed then two then three and this annoyance was still there. I was going to get some good old Monistat and see if that would do the trick but I figured the stakes were so high at this point I better go to the Gynecologist to be super safe. It was a nice, sunny day and I almost cancelled my appointment at the last minute figuring I'd probably be wasting the doctor's time and I'd rather be out enjoying these last few days of summer. But I dragged myself to the hospital and surprise surprise surprise. Visually and symptomatically nothing seemed to be too amiss. But she took some swabs and looked under a microscope and came back with a shocking diagnosis: Bacterial Vaginosis. Not expecting that at all. Couldn't help but tremble with fear. After I lost the babies, the autopsy report showed the placentas had just about every infection under the sun and BV was right up there as a culprit. I can't help but wonder if I had proceeded to do a cycle and if it actually had worked, would I have lost that baby too because of this BV? BV is nasty and can cause pprom. Thank goodness it got diagnosed now not later. But what if it comes back? The MFM doctors I met with said that's not something they regularly screen for during pregnancy. It could in theory recur and just lurk there undetected and de ja vu pprom. I'm terrified. If this cycle actually works, I'm going to have to beg for BV screening from my MFM. And how the heck did I get it in the first place? Doctor couldn't tell me how it came about nor how to prevent it. Only advice was go stock up on white, cotton, granny panties. Sexy. Anyways, on Flagyl for 7 days. Fabulous.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

August 6, 2013

Platelet transfusion it is! The Hematologist called me today with the results of the Platelet Aggregation Study and he says my platelets do not respond properly to epinephrine. He said when you put this in the context of my clinical history and the results of other lab work, he feels confident in diagnosing me with a Platelet Aggregation Disorder. He says that is more in line than Von Willebrand Disease in my case. If the Platelet Aggregation Study had been normal, he would have gone with a diagnosis of mild Von Willebrand and given me the medication to help my blood clot properly. Darn platelets! I would rather take a medication than do a transfusion. Anyways, Hematologist says I will need a platelet transfusion at the time of egg retrieval and embryo transfer. I must admit I am not thrilled about this. I was hoping he'd say I was fine and dandy and send me on my way. Platelet transfusions sound scary. I'm envisioning infections, diseases, allergic reactions.. oh dear. Let's see what my RE says. Hopeful thinking but maybe he'll say the Hematologist is crazy and toss the platelet transfusion idea out. I'm meeting him in 2 weeks to hopefully finalize the game plan for my next IVF cycle. This better be it because I'm ready to go and I'm getting tired of waiting!

And the pain in my lower abdominal went away! I went for my annual exam. My doctor did a pelvic exam and ultrasound and found nothing wrong with me. She said I was probably just "aging". Oh yes. Very comforting. I'm aging.